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Do you Want a Schedule that Doesn't Wear You Out? Here are My Secrets!

Jan 31, 2024

Time. It is the one thing you have on the planet as a human. You get to choose what you do with your time here. 

One of the best tools to build your dream life starts with your time. To create exactly what you want for yourself, in all areas of your life, you must choose to do things with your time that are directly related to what you value for yourself. 

What you value and give energy to will grow. 

Would you like to know what I do with my time that helps me reach my goals faster? Here are my secrets to reaching my dreams, without burning myself out:

Scheduling My Work Week

First, I decide how many hours per week I want to work.

I used to work 60 or more hours per week when I first started my business. Now, I've chosen to work 20 hours or less per week. I can actually create more in less time when I am super focused!


After choosing how many hours per week I want to work, I choose my non-negotiable time of when I am not going to work. Honoring my time off is just as important as honoring my work hours. 

I used to work anytime of the day. I live the US. If I had a client in Europe and they wanted to meet at 5:00 AM my time, I used to do it. Now, I don't take meetings with clients before 8:00 AM. I enjoy spending mornings doing things for myself so the mornings are a non-negotiable time to have off work now. I used to also be willing to work until maybe 7:00 PM or later. And now, there are only a few days that I work past 2:00 PM and I work 4 or less days per week. 

I highly recommend looking at what time of the day you have the most energy, what I like to call your, “Power Hours,” and what time of the day you like to rest. For example, I am bright in the mornings so I do meditation, movement and creative work before 8:00 AM. Between 8 am and 2 pm, I am most energized to connect and talk with other people. After 4 pm, I enjoy quiet time. 

Once you create awareness around your energy during the day, you can create a schedule that more smoothly fits your lifestyle. This helps you honor your mind, body, and spirit, which in turn will help you create more and serve and a much higher level.

This was a huge shift in my business. The more I created boundaries to have time with myself, the easier it was to attract clients who also want a smooth lifestyle. 

Valuing yourself more leads to other people and divine energy valuing you more too!

Scheduling What You Want To Do

Once you choose how many hours per week you want to work and want to not work, then you need to actually put what you want into your calendar, whether it be online or paper. If you want the time off, put “time off,” or something similar into your calendar. 

For example, in my calendar, I write “Lila Land” in the late afternoons and evenings, because that is the time I have chosen for myself and nobody can schedule a meeting with me during “Lila Land,” time. 

I want to show up in the world during my “Power Hours.” That's why it's so important to know what times of day I feel the most alive and bright. Those are the hours that I can serve at my highest level.

The other hours are available for rest, self care, creativity, and all the other parts of life, like cleaning my house, making my food, traveling and visiting with loved ones.

Schedule Days to Learn and Play

In my schedule, I keep days open each week to do something that brings me inspiration. During these days, I don’t schedule work, but instead leave the time open for creativity, exploration and spiritual practices. I also use these days to learn something new or do something creative for myself.

It is important to weave in creativity throughout the week. Creativity gets us out of our logical thinking mid and frees the mind to play. If my mind is constantly working, I do not have enough space mentally, energetically, physically, to create new things. And, I won’t hear the subtle messages from within that want to come forward. 

Once I set the days in my week that I want to play, then I choose the days of the week I like to work. Three (3) days per week, I am committed to filling my calendar with clients, trainings and growing my business. This leaves more time available for opportunities to arise, rest and creativity.

Why should you have a schedule?

The number one reason you should have a schedule is this - your time is DIRECTLY related to your energy. Your energy can stay sustainable and directed toward your dream life, if you bring a new level of awareness to how you use time. Plus, you won’t have to think about what to do or and when to do it. Choosing your schedule allows you to have peace of mind and way more ease in life.

It is nice to know when I am seeing clients, when I need to do sales and marketing, when I have time for trainings and when I have time to relax. So, I don't have to wonder on the weekend what I'm doing the following week. I can enjoy my relaxation. 

Plus, there are no thoughts and energy going to wondering what I'm going to do today, tomorrow, next week. I already know because my schedule has been chosen by me. This leaves me way more energy to stay healthy, create more and be of higher service to the world.

It wasn't always this easy to have an established schedule like I do now. I used to use a paper calendar, book all sorts of activities any time of the week and be way more scattered in my mind about time. Then one time, I double book myself and didn’t realize it until the morning of both events. So I had to cancel one. I felt horrible. I felt like I had disappointed people and that hurt my heart. That was in 2015, and I said to myself, “I'll never do this again. I am building a new relationship with time.”

I immediately switched over to a Google calendar and I've never had that kind of incident again. The calendar is always with me because my cell phone is always with me. In any moment, I can change a meeting, put a meeting in, take something out, switch things up. The electronic calendar has been a tool that created a huge shift with my relationship with time. I felt more in control of what I wanted to say “yes” and “no,” to and when I wanted to do different activities.

I value integrity, walking my talk and doing what I say I will do. My schedule helps me maintain integrity in life and business. It is a tool I use to ensure I don't wear myself out and focus on the actions that will bring me closer to what I really want in life.

Where to Start

If you want to tweak your schedule right now, I highly recommend to start with your non-negotiables. Put you first. Start with time for self-care, rest and play first, then build your work schedule around that.

What is most important to you? What do you value the most? Put that's stuff in first and then work around that. It's the most important part of your life.

And remember, how you spend your time is directly related to what you value in the world and what you value in your life. Where your energy goes will grow so focus your schedule on the things in life you want to grow.

If you want something to shift money, relationships, health or anything else in your life, bring a new level of awareness to the way you use time and start using time for what you want.

Time will give you everything you want, if you just put the energy in there.

If time is a struggle for you, let’s chat about your schedule. Together, we can create a life that you love, working the number of hours you want, and giving yourself, and your loved ones the best of you. This is how you can show up and serve the world at an even higher level.

If you need help with time, click here to schedule a complimentary Strategy Session at now!

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31 Jan, 2024
If you are not present in your body, you will not only miss opportunities and be unable to connect with others on a deeper level, you’ll also get taken advantage of. When you are only in your head, you cannot FEEL the intention of other people. You cannot tell who is good for you and who is bad. Yes, you have a ton of success. You’ve accomplished so much in the world, yet you get burnt out over and over again. You’re tired, overworked and look like you “have it all” and people tell you that you are “doing amazing things in the world.” Yet you feel like you are on a constant hamster wheel and there’s no way out. Everyone says, “get present.” But nobody teaches you how. When I learned HOW to be present, it was a total gamechanger. I no longer felt at the whim of my life, but instead felt the power I had within to create EXACTLY what I wanted for myself. Presence is the key to unlocking your fullest potential. A high achiever with presence can move mountains. It’s when the high achiever gets in their head, everything gets mucked up, relationships suffer, health suffers and nobody wins. Here are two simple simple steps to gain presence: First, be with your breath. If you are not with your breath, you are not present. Period. Keep your body soft. Feel your breath come into your body and out of your body smoothly and easefully. Holding your breath leads to stuck thoughts and energy. Letting your breath continuously flow, keeps you in the flow of life and brings you to the present moment. Any time you feel stuck, simply come back to your breath and steady the flow so it is not stopping anywhere. Second, keep your awareness in your body. If you keep your awareness in the lower part of your body, it’s easier to stop thinking. One way to do this is to notice if your belly button is tight and pulled back toward your back or if your belly button is soft and there is a lot of space between your belly and back. If your belly is tight, your mind is most likely overworking and may burn yourself out. Thoughts take way more energy than being in your body. Softening your belly button will create presence, save you tons of energy and even give you more time in your days! If you gained more presence, what would change in your life? Send me a message. I'd love to hear! Learn more about the power of your body with this great training: If you’d like to learn how you can become more present in your everyday life, feel free to schedule a complimentary assessment at
31 Jan, 2024
In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We're constantly bombarded with stimuli, from our phones and computers to the people and events around us. This can take a toll on our mental and emotional health, leading to stress, anxiety, and burnout. One of the best ways to combat the negative effects of stress and anxiety is to move your body mindfully. Mindful movement is any type of physical activity that you do with intention and awareness. It can be anything from yoga and tai chi to walking and dancing. When you move mindfully, you focus on your breath and your body's sensations, and you let go of any thoughts or judgments that come into your mind. There are many benefits to mindful movement. It can help to: Reduce stress and anxiety Improve mood Increase self-awareness Boost energy levels Improve sleep quality Reduce pain Improve cognitive function Promote relaxation and well-being If you're looking for a way to improve your mental and emotional health, mindful movement is a great place to start. Even a small amount of mindful movement can make a big difference. So find a type of movement that you enjoy and start moving your body mindfully today! Here are a few tips for getting started with mindful movement: Choose a type of movement that you enjoy. There are many different types of mindful movement, so find one that you find enjoyable and that fits your lifestyle. Find a quiet place to move. If you can, find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted. This will help you to focus on your movement and your breath. Start slowly. If you're new to mindful movement, start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you spend moving mindfully each day. Be patient. It takes time to develop the practice of mindful movement. Be patient with yourself and don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. With a little practice, you'll be amazed at how mindful movement can improve your mental and emotional health. So what are you waiting for? Start moving your body mindfully today! P.s. At The Riverstone Movement School, you can start with simple 10-minute mindful movement community classes , Private Coaching with Lila Veronica or practice on your own with a DIY course .
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